
Project from the programme:

Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021

"We work together for a green, competitive and conducive to integration Europe""

Beneficiary's name: Fabryka Maszyn METROL Sp. z o.o. (formerly P.P.H.U. METROL Tomasz Grzeszczyk) 26-700 Zwoleń, 100 Kochanowskiego Street

Project title:  "Implementation of low-waste and automated welding technology for metal components"

Brief description of the project:

The project benefits from a grant of €307,527.72 million received from Norway.

The aim of the project is to implement a low-waste and automated technology for welding metal items, which will allow to offer products of higher quality and at the same time will be characterized by an above-average positive impact on the natural environment. We will achieve this goal by introducing technological changes in the welding process, which will involve the following: the use of an original design of a robotic welding station, operating on the basis of a unique welding algorithm and in a heating system for welded elements.


The scope of the project includes the construction of a production hall in which an automated robotic  welding station with a workpiece heating system will be installed. The project also includes the purchase of a PV installation that will power the new technological process.


We will achieve the following effects of the project:

1. We will reduce the amount of waste by approx. 77.6%,

2. We will reduce electricity consumption by approx. 24.8%,

3. We will use approx. 43 MWh of electricity from the photovoltaic installation,

4. We will reduce CO2 emissions by approx. 58.4%,

5. We will establish cooperation with a research unit,

6. We will increase the turnover and profits of our company by establishing new business relationships,

7. We will increase the level of employment

Implementation progress: completed construction of the hall, delivery of fixed assets, service in progress.

Contract number: UWP-NORW.19.01.01-06-0002/20-00

Total costs of the Project: PLN 3,616,077.00

Co-financing value: EUR 307,527.72

Operational Program: NORW.00.00.00

Priority axis 19 Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021

Measure: 19.1 New products and investments

Sub-measure: 19.1.1 Environmentally Friendly Technologies – Green growth

The EEA and Norway Grants represent Norway's contribution to a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. Within the framework of the EEA and Norway Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic inequalities and strengthening bilateral relations with beneficiary countries from Central and Southern Europe and the Baltic Sea area. Norway cooperates closely with the EU under the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA).

The priorities for this period are:

  • 1.  innovation, research, education, competitiveness and decent work;
  • 2.  social inclusion, youth employment and poverty reduction;
  • 3.  environment, energy, climate change and low-carbon economy;
  • 4.  culture, civil society, good governance and fundamental rights;
  • 5.  Justice and Home Affairs.

